Don’t you just love trivia? Of course, if you need replacement car keys for your BMW, you won’t be much interested in what people call your choice of vehicle. But we thought this gem of pretty useless information from the motor world was worth a share!
If you’re an enthusiast, you’ll know BMW’s roots were in motorcycles, and the cars came later. On the race circuit, BMW and BSA bikes were rivals, and on the track, earned the nicknames of ‘Beemers’ (BMWs) and ‘Beesers’ (BSAs).
Over the years, the term Beemer (or Beamer), has been adopted into everyday language and is even listed in the urban dictionary.
As interest in BMW cars grew, particularly with the trendy, upwardly mobile population, the term Beamer was also applied to the manufacturer’s cars. It is thought this was partly due to the self-satisfied BMW owners who were perceived as driving around with smug smiles – or beams – on their faces!
However, BMW motorcycle purists were unimpressed by the name Beemer being used to describe four-wheeled vehicles. So with a stroke of ingenuity, the word Bimmer came into play.
So there you have it. A BMW car is a Bimmer. A BMW motor cycle is a Beamer or a Beemer. And a BMW with a lost or broken key is a pain in the neck. But that’s what the LMI car locksmith is here for!
Bet you’re glad we shared that with you, aren’t you?