Car key programming
All cars built since the mid-1990s have a ‘transponder’ chip inside the key. This tiny computerised chip deactivates the car’s immobiliser, allowing the car to start when the key is inserted. The car’s computer is programmed to recognise and to only respond to its own key.
While this gives you added security, it means all new or replacement car keys must be programmed to make them compatible with your car. If you have to replace lost or stolen car keys, you will need the help of a vehicle locksmith like LMI to reprogram the transponder chip in the replacements.
Car key reprogramming
If you have lost your car keys or had them stolen, the LMI vehicle locksmith will pick the lock of your vehicle and using state-of-the art equipment, he will wipe and reset your car’s computer with a new code and cut corresponding car keys.
Once your new key has been cut and the transponder programmed, any spare keys to the vehicle must be either reprogrammed or replaced as they will no longer be compatible with the vehicle. You can choose to have a spare key cut or the LMI vehicle locksmith can arrange for the reprogramming of your existing keys.
If you have locked your keys in the car and there is no security threat, the LMI locksmith will simply enter your vehicle and there will be no need for any car key reprogramming.
HGV key programming
It’s not just cars that have transponder keys. HGV, Transits and light goods vehicles also use this technology. LMI offers a full locksmith service for commercial vehicles.
Immobiliser replacement
If you have an older vehicle with an independent immobiliser which is lost, stolen or broken, it is usually possible to arrange a replacement. If the age, manufacturer and serial number is available, the LMI vehicle locksmith can normally source a new remote within 24 to 48 hours.
The LMI automotive locksmith’s car key programming has been found to be up to 60% cheaper than a main dealer’s price. For a car key programming quote, simply complete the contact form, send an email or phone 07798 557 188.
With an affordable mobile service covering Oxfordshire and the surrounding region, and a fast response, you’ll be pleased you contacted LMI – your local vehicle locksmith.